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  • Rick

    Going to bring back some coffee?

  • Wendy

    Beautiful plates!


    Love the pottery.
    I have made note of the studio.

  • Phoebe Snell

    So cool! The variety of the artwork is really amazing. The wooden sculptures really look like your style.


  • Kay Osborne

    Just getting to this m, Arnie. I’m so sorry about Carol’s wrist. I hope that the break is healing rapidly and she’s in no discomfort. Looking forward to the usual interesting ride.

  • Kay Osborne

    Very cool, Arnie

  • My favorite photos are of you grinning in that very hat and the artsy one of the “guy in front of [you]”.

  • Kay Osborne

    Lovely. All good.

  • Susie

    Beautiful pictures!! The art and music looks wonderful.


    A beautiful day for sure.

  • Eve Levine

    Music school sounds and looks amazing! What a day!
    Botero statue makes you look skinny. Love your blog!!

  • Barbara Sandler

    Yesterday, like so many of your days, served up a a delicious and full menu of experiences. (I did some grocery shopping, ate leftover soup for dinner, and watched a DVD. Just so you know. )

    Hope the rest of your trip, continues to be as rich and full!

    Love, Barbara

  • Phoebe Snell

    Sounds like you’re enjoying the color that Oz (Medellin) has to offer!


    Wonderful experience

  • gil cornfield

    Wasn’t Groucho Marx prime minister of Fredonia?
    Your day reflects the epitome of pleasure.


    I also love that restaurant.
    Not sure its for everyone but I loved it and the wine pairings.

  • Kathy Hornsby

    Hi Arnie and Carol! Just catching up on your Colombia travels and enjoying your editorial and photos. Thank you! And I will definitely go to El Cielo if I’m ever in the area. Looks fantastic!!!!

  • Kay Osborne

    Very interesting


    I enjoyed Cartagna except for all the tourists and the awful tourist junk.

  • Barbara Sandller

    So sorry to arrive at the end of another wonderful adventure, for you and, vicariously, for me. Looking forward to hearing more great details, at my Birthday

    Safe and smooth return. Love, B

  • Wendy

    Wow. The stories and pictures of the school are very moving. I’m excited you’ve been introduced to this and will likely support them in their mission.


    Sounds like you have had a good trip


    Arnie and Carol, I am so glad you had a wonderful trip.
    I have always loved Colombia and its people.
    As you may remember, I worked there for years in the textile world producing sheets for the American market.
    Colombia was very different in the 80’s so I am especially happy to read all of your updated news. I look forward to information on Elizabeth.

  • Bob Heywood

    Thanks for sharing you travels with us! Columbia is angreat travel destination, with wonderful and welcoming people.

  • Barbara Sahdler

    Welcome home, thanks for sharing anther awesome trip.
    Looking forward to our next adventure with you to Japan!

    See you soon, love to you from your baby sister!

  • Robert Cook

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  • arnie

    Dueling blogs soon, in Japan.

  • Eve Levine

    Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed your fabulous trip! I enjoy your blog!

  • kay Osborne

    Thanks for sharing the journey that I thoroughly enjoyed. Your wrapping up comments are especially wonderful. I’m so glad I stuck around for the entire thing.

  • Zoe

    I’m just now reading through the Columbia blogs. I LOVE the pictures with the murals! Amazing!!

  • Zoe

    Sounds like a great day with lots of amazing art!

  • D. J. (Jan) Baker

    The posts and photos, as your fans know well, were all stunningly vivid and quite extraordinary.

    Your summary captured, I think, the distinction that so often occurs in travel – we think that we go to see the great monuments of the past, for which the place is known, and they are always very interesting, to be sure, The enduring memories with which we return, however, are much more likely to relate to the people with whom we have interacted on the trip and their lives and day-to-day existences.

    Thank you again for this window into such a fascinating place and people.



  • Barbara REYNOLDS

    Thanks.. A worthy use of staying at home.

  • Susie Kiphart

    I love these picture! You are true partners and have been more places than I even thought. I am of course particularly impressed with your hair Arnie and your bikini Carol. Life is good!!!

  • Paul Woo

    I so enjoyed your introduction, and seeing the photos of you together was a delight. Most of all, Happy Anniversary! Love you guys.


    Arnie and Carol you made my day. I love the words of course but eapecially love the photos. What wonderful memories and we hope that travel resumes soon so you can continue to write your amazing travel stories.

  • Zoe

    So amazing! Love that you’ve spent this time “re-visiting” places and reconnecting!


  • Barbara Sandler

    Awesome! In so many ways… Thanks for sharing all of your textured and thrilling
    travels. Guess I should have imagined, when you schlepped me around Hyde Park, with you up front on the biker’s seat and, me, seated in a bumpy compartment, in back, attached to the cycle. (I’m just saying…)

    Anyway, as always, I’m taken by your incredible adventures, that began long ago.
    And the continued ambition, not to mention, energy, that you and Carol have maintained. No matter what! You have amazed me with your challenging choices,
    even with upscale accouterments, to soothe you. Hope you will go on and on!
    Love, Your Baby Sister

  • Margo Oberman

    Oh, the places you will go! What amazing journeys you have taken together. Wishing you many more years of great adventures.

  • T.L.

    Thanks for doing this recollection post, the pics and your words are amazing. Congrats on your 55th anniversary—that is the only thing that we have done more than you [we checked off # 58 two weeks ago]. T.L. And Marina

  • Margo Oberman

    Oh the places you will go! What incredible journeys you have been in together. Wishing you many more exciting travels in the years ahead. Happy Anniversary!

  • Wendy

    This is really incredible! Love it all and love both of you! HAPPY anniversary until we (hopefully) talk later today…

  • Barbara Reynolds

    Happy anniversary. Clearly a very loving couple

  • Jodi I Kanter

    Love all the photos. Love you.

  • Oh, the photos, the glorious photos. Wonderful memories. But, Arnie, I must admit that I recognize Carol in all the photos but you? The more recent ones for sure. I stared at the very first one and alas, I don’t see you but accept that the gentleman with the full head of hair in the photo must be you. As to the adventures, I loved all of them and wish for you and Carol a long life of more and more adventures that fill your hearts with joy. K

  • Eve Levine

    Great story!

  • Sharon

    I vote for Suffering’s End as the one chosen for publication. Love it!

  • Bob Heywood

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories! Keep them coming!

    GOAT Bob.

  • Zoe

    Re-reading as we wait to board!! I loved this trip!!!