January 13
Initially, I hadn’t intended to blog about our Jamaica trip. The trip was so unlike the other trips I’ve blogged about–most recently (in reverse order) India; Ghana and Botswana: and Thailand, Laos and Cambodia–that it hardly seemed like a vacation. But, on reflection, I’ve decided that a vacation does not need to be […]
January 10 and 11
January 10
Breakfast at the hotel, then read and relax by the pool, witnessing some photo ops of young ladies with distinctive hair styles.
Gilbert picks us up (an hour late) and we drive back to Kingston (through lovely mountain scenery), where we have lunch at Kay’s and rest for the […]
January 8 and 9
Tuesday was a rather quiet day for us spending most of our time with Kay‘s friends. For lunch, we went to the home Of Iva and Clive. Iva was active in the tourist business and used to set up meetings between tourists and locals so that they could get to know. […]
January 7
Didn’t mean to post yesterday’s offering before covering our evening activities.
We stopped at the super market to pick up a few things for dinner, which I ate while watching the Bears-Eagles playoff game, which the Bears lost on a last-second blown field goal.
We were driven by Gilbert up a winding road […]
January 4-5, 2019
As this is just a short trip to Jamaica, I was not going to blog at all. But the first day and a half have been so amazing that I thought I’d better give it a try, even if I don’t follow through on the rest of the days.
Carol […]