January 24. After a delicious breakfast (all of the meals are described by our itinerary as “delicious”), we meet our English speaking guide and our private van and depart to visit and photograph the famous long neck hill tribe. One might have mixed feelings about photographing these women. Some might think it unseemly, perhaps treating them as sort of freaks. I must say, though, it seemed to us that these women were very comfortable being photographed and maintained their dignity throughout. The community is well paid for permitting the photography, and the crafts they sell provide additional revenue, much of which is sent to relatives in Myanmar. So, bottom line, I came way feeling quite okay about the experience. And Carol agreed.

We stopped for lunch, then drove to the border between Thailand and Myanmar, and walked through customs on both sides of the border, feeling slightly uncomfortable at having to leave our passports at the border. We walked through the small border town and it’s market (after a tuk-tuk ride to the center of town). 

Then took another tuk -tuk up to a monastery on a hill, modeled after the fabulous Showedegan in Yangon. The whole afternoon provided enough interest and photographic opportunities to feel worthwhile.
Drove back to the hotel and had dinner in the hotel restaurant.
Feeling much better than yesterday. May be without internet for the next day or two, but will post when I can.
Great to hear you’re feeling better! Love the pictures! 🙂
Glad you are now well enough to travel. The long neck women’s clothing and cloth are beautiful.
What does it mean that they are a “tribe?” Does it only mean a separate ethnicity or are they “native” to the land like native Americans?
Are the neck rings added as they age from childhood?
quite a trip!! I love the pictures. Glad you are feeling better. I agree that the women are enjoying being photographed..You can see the dignity. It is obviously a point of great beauty. You gotta love people and all the various things we do to find our meaning and out experience of being alive!! You guys have seen as much of it as anyone I know. Thanks!!