Category: Ghana, 2012

Accra on the Run

Pack and down for breakfast, where we are joined by Joe and Ida. Funmi and Sola left at 4:30 AM to catch a flight to Nigeria, so we said our goodbyes to them last night. Farewell hugs to Joe and Ida, and then a long drive to Accra, with the air conditioning not working. Breathing the outside air is more of a problem than temperature.

We drive to a kindergarten under construction near Peter’s home to be known as the Eduful/Kiphart International School. The school is being developed by Peter’s NGO, FASUL(short for family succor link) and funded by the Kipharts. Eventually, the school will cover all grades through middle school.

A short drive to Peter’s comfortable home, where we have a drink and visit with Peter’s cute 5-year old grandson, Felix, and daughter, Naomi.


We have now switched to the other vehicle, air conditioning working, in which we drive, through heavy traffic to the upscale Palm Beach Hotel, where we partake quickly of an excellent buffet lunch. A short drive from there is the Artist Alliance Gallery/Museum. Through the help of Dick’s friend in Chicago, Scott Meadow, we arranged to be shown around the gallery by Leo Glover, manager of the gallery and son of well-known Ghanaian painter, Aglade Glover. Leo received a business degree from USC, and was a terrific, low-key guide through the gallery. Two and a half hours later, we emerged from the gallery, having done substantial “damage,” but quite content with our purchases.

En route to the airport, we made a very short stop at a place that carves wooden coffins in the shapes of fish, buses, crabs, cameras and other items to reflect the work that the deceased did. We arrive at the airport five hours early. Sola left his iPad on the plane on the way here and Dick gets run all around the airport trying to track it down, finally learning that the damn plane had been cleaned in Monrovia! At least Sola didn’t leave shaving cream, or it would be gone for sure. Delta is to check with Monrovia and let Dick know whether they find the iPad.

We clear immigration and security without problems and go to the business class lounge for snacks and blogging.

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