February 2. First we drive to Kompong Khleang, one of the largest settlements on the Tonle Sap Lake, stopping along the way to watch people making “sticky rice”
And then we crash a wedding that we pass.
Next we stop in a market at a small village market
and then walk through a wonderful little town, ripe with photographic opportunities, particularly of children
In Kompong Khleang, over 20,000 people live in high stilt houses which tower up to 10 meters over the water. It is a spectacular place which only gets a small number of visitors.
There is a small island at the centre of the village which has a bustling market. We take a boat tour to see the floating market, then return for a lunch of fresh fish prepared in Khmer style at our boatman’s house and to give a Karl a chance to fly his drone. After lunch we drive to the remote and recently “de-mined” Angkor site of Beng Melea
for some amazing, “Indiana Jones” type temple exploration.
The whole site of Beng Melea is bathed with dappled light from the jungle canopy making it a fabulous temple for adventurous photographers. And climbing over boulders to get around the site is an adventure, as well.
We return to the hotel late afternoon, showered and went back to the Mexican Restaurant with most of the group. Karl’s wife Paov joined us. She is lovely.
Terrific photos!